5 Unbelievable Things That Happen In Movies All The Time

Caffeinated Thoughts
6 min readMar 5, 2022


And we still keep buying it.

Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash

Movies make us laugh. They make us cry. And sometimes, they affect our lives on a much deeper level, making us introspect and rethink our life decisions. There’s the realistic scenes, the not so realistic ones, the emotional ones, the magical ones, the death-defying ones, the scary ones, and everything in between. But certain scenes defy all logic and common sense, and you can almost feel the IQ leaving your brain as you watch such unbelievable acts unfold right before your eyes.

Here are 5 such scenes:

People following ghosts or strange calls from the forest
Ever notice how the protagonist or someone from a group starts following a ghostly figure deep into the forest? The most recent instance I saw was in this Netflix movie called ‘The Unholy’. But heck! This one could practically apply to just any horror movie out there. In the movie, the protagonist follows a girl into the jungle just out of curiosity. Yeah, because in reality, I would definitely follow a girl wearing a white flowing gown deep into the jungle at the dead of night, leaving my car and the safety of the highway.

Totally original and realistic.

Like, just think about it for a sec. If you were in their place, you would scurry back towards your car and bolt the hell out of there. Somehow, ghosts appearing in the middle of the road in the dead of night always manage to pique the imagination of the protagonist, and almost always gets him/her to follow them. And then? Boom! Bad stuff happens.

When your friends said “Maybe this isn’t the best idea”, they weren’t joking after all, eh?

Bullets hitting everything except the hero
This classic must have originated from the days of black and white picture, it might almost be a textbook scene for action movies today. In many English thriller movies, a hero and his partner would be hot on the trail of an escaping villain and would be busy trying to fire at him.

But have you noticed? Bullets fired from the guns of the villains side almost always miss their mark.

However, the complete opposite happens in the case of the good guys/protagonist. The villain always gets shot, and all the shots made by the hero hit their target. There might be variations of this, and it might be the other way round in some movies, but the discrepancy remains. Another unbelievable scene here is that the villain never dies until the hero empties his entire magazine into him. Only and until the last bullet is fired does the villain finally collapse, with the hero standing next to him looking him in the eyes as he dies.

Another variation of this is villains making speeches as the life is leaving their bodies. Now, I’m no doctor, but I know for sure it must be extremely hard to stay awake when shot, let alone breathe. You would literally be panicking at the sight of blood flowing out of your body. Yet, villains seem to be totally unfazed by all the blood and pain and have enough time to make their final farewell speeches right before they die. Funny how that works.

People making crazy jumps and walking away like nothing happened
Forget martial arts movies. At least the justification there would be that they were trained for such stuff.

Take a look at any other action-thriller flick, and you’ll notice how the hero and his partner make the longest of jumps most effortlessly in pursuit of villains and somehow walk away from them without a scratch. It could be from one rooftop to another, from a window to the ground, from a terrace to the ground, or from one window to another. But in most action movies, they’ll just walk away from it like nothing happened. They’ll dust their pants and walk away from the scene as if they just pulled a kiddie stunt and could do it all over again.

Attempt the very same thing in the real world, and you’re bound to dislocate or break something. That’s the reason you have those warnings and disclaimers in the beginning, warning viewers not to attempt such stuff on their own.

Another variation of this stunt is heroes and heroines jumping out of moving trains and surviving with barely a few scratches. Would someone even survive if they attempted one of those jumps in real life?

I shudder to even think of it.

People meeting the wrong person or group of people
I recently watched an Indian movie called ‘Meenakshi Sundareshwar’ on Netflix. The movie revolves around the intricacies of Indian arranged marriages. The bride and groom’s parents have set up a meeting at the grooms house, and the bride’s family has gone to meet them. When they pull up to the street, they forget the house number and, as if totally by chance, walk into the house of another groom's family who had, coincidentally, also scheduled a marriage meeting at the same time.

Hilarity ensues when they later introduce themselves and realize that they’ve both met the wrong parties. Yes, because I would totally not introduce myself or at least ask you your name before walking into your house. And I would totally walk into the house of someone who is dressed exactly like the person I was supposed to meet. What kind of sorcery is this?

I saw another variation of this happen in an online series which I watched recently called ‘Four More Shots Please’ on Amazon Prime. The Content Manager of a news website invites both her blind date and the candidate she’s interviewing to the same bar for a date/meeting. Unfortunately for her, the person who she thinks is the candidate comes in a bit early for the interview, and she asks her “date” to wait, while she goes and interviews him.

It’s a complete laughter riot when her date sees her acting all formal and interviewing him, and the interview candidate gets all the flirty gestures from her.

Like how!? How on earth do people keep forgetting to introduce themselves in movies…… All. The. Freaking. Time?

Leaving keys in the ignition
Ever noticed how quickly people tend to get cars started and moving in all these movies? They manage to get themselves inside the vehicle, shut the door, start the car, put it in gear, and drive off, all in a matter of seconds.

That would have been pretty cool……if only it was even real! *rolls eyes*

Also, did you notice how many chase scenes have villains getting into random cars on the street, where the keys are already there and all the villain has to do is start the car and speed off? How is this possible? It makes absolutely no logical sense. Who on earth keeps their cars parked on the street unlocked with the keys in the ignition ready to be stolen? Somehow, in movies there’s always a getaway car at the end of a chase with its keys in the ignition just waiting for a couple of bad guys to get in and drive off.

Final thoughts

For some reason, things that are quite obvious to the audience and lie in plain sight are completely obscured from the hero’s view. Sometimes it seems that the hero deliberately does not want to acknowledge what’s right in front of him just to reaffirm the stupidity of the script. This not only turns many viewers off, but makes them ask themselves what they’re doing watching such movies in the first place. Sure, movies do require sudden plot twists, but they shouldn’t come at the cost of logic and common sense. How hard would that be to create?

Keeping a part of it realistic and natural would make movies much more fun and enjoyable.

Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section to the side.



Caffeinated Thoughts
Caffeinated Thoughts

Written by Caffeinated Thoughts

No niche in particular. I am a keen observer and gain inspiration for new articles from daily observation.

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