Just like a few of the other commenters, I too am not on board with the off-leash dogs point. There's a reason people are paranoid about off-leash dogs, and it doesn't happen only in America by the way. I live in India, and it's the same. We keep reading and hearing about so many accounts of dogs biting people and even killing them. Just a few months ago a pitbull ran out of the gate of its owners house and mauled a labourer to death. Are YOU going to come and compensate his family for his life?
Also ask any runner why they slow down and focus all their attention on an off-leash dog during their training until it's completely out of sight.
Is it stupid and irresponsible owners? I don't know.
Is it overprotective and untrained dogs? Still don't know.
Is it only certain ferocious dog breeds and not the others? Don't know, don't care.
All I care is about my safety and as long as unleashed dogs (regardless of the breed) abound , I am damn well going to be paranoid about it.