Let me go ahead and add one more that is particularly relevant to the upper and upper middle classes in my country: India.
Bad behaviour driving out good behaviour.
You can confirm this with any indian you like, but once you reach a certain financial situation within Indian society, if you don't act like it, you tend to be disrespected and yanked around. Being considerate and kind is considered a weakness in our country. You don't have to be outrightly rude to someone but you must and should order them around in a hurried, dictatorial fashion or else, two things happen:
1.) if they don't sense an urgency in your tone, they wont' give a rats ass about your work.
2.) If they sense that you are too meek and timid, they take it to be grounds for messing around with you with negative avoidance tactics.
So because of all the experiences with bad rich people in the past, white collar workers generally come to expect you to treat them with an entitled attitude.....else they don't take you seriously. This is true for all kinds of white collar people you might deal with on a daily basis like cooks, cleaners, maids, delivery boys, drivers, nannies, etc.