The entire article reeks of conservative right wing religious extremist propaganda....But this particular line was where it just got too much and I stopped reading. Who are you to toss out your subjective morality for usage by the general public? You don't get to define who gets shamed doing what. No one is stopping anyone from feeling shame about premarital sex. If you feel a sense of shame wash over you after you've just had pre-marital sex, then you do you!
But if someone enjoys premarital sex uninhibited and without shame, who are you to shame them into it? Just like you have the right to feel shameful about premarital sex, we too have the right not to feel shameful of it.
Don't forget, "the sense of shame about premarital sex, fornication, pregnancies out of wedlock and abortion" is your SUBJECTIVE morality which you're trying to toss into the world as the new moral baseline. It's not. Also the word "pre-marital sex" is so so so wrong for a whole bunch of reasons which would be too long for the comments.