The hours spent at work are so intense and mind numbing that any free time zips by in a jiffy no matter how long it is. Have you realized that weekends are a scam? There's a reason everybody suffers from Monday Blues. If the weekend were indeed sufficient, everyone would be at the office Monday morning sharp on the dot with enlarged smiles on their faces signalling their joy of being rejuvenated and revitalized from the past weeks madness.
But that isn't the case is it? Most of us need multiple alarms and calls from our bosses or loved ones to wake up and drag ourselves to work on a Monday morning, the most dreaded day of the week. Many others need their usual stimulants (coffee, tea, alcohol, nicotine, sugar, etc), regardless of the legality of the substance to even start functioning for the day, let alone bring themselves to work.
People who use exercise, yoga, healthy eating, and meditation to stabilize and compose themselves from the insanity of corporate life are in the minority.
The world, for the most part, runs on drugs.