What a banger of an article. About time someone spoke up about these issues. Very recently a huge fight broke out between the walkers association and skateboarders/skaters in my local park. They alleged that the skaters were too fast, too rash, and should be restricted to one side of the park if not completely banned from using it. A couple of incidents took place where a few park visitors got knocked down by skaters by mistake.
Needless to say, the skaters approached the park management and got the temporary ban removed. They continue to skate individually and as a group at very high speeds especially on long curves giving jump scares to walkers who are at the end of it, and keeping them perpetually on edge inside a park where they are supposed to be walking/running without the threat of a vehicle hitting them. If I as a runner/walker, or someone who came there with my family for a weekend picnic has to constantly watch out for something bigger, it just kind of defeats the whole purpose.